Fighting for our future
Dear Friends,
In a year where reproductive rights have been at the center of our national conversation, Planned Parenthood Mar Monte has continued to fight back and push forward.
In big and small ways, we’ve fought against the onslaught of draconian laws that inhibit bodily autonomy and infringe on the right to high quality, medically accurate, and accessible health care. And we’ve pushed forward to increase access to these services for anyone who needs them.
As the largest Planned Parenthood affiliate in the country we know that it’s about more than the national conversation. The conversations at your dinner table, out with friends, or with a knowledgeable and supportive provider can make all the difference. These discussions are where our mission flourishes.
As we wrap up our first year executing our new strategic plan, we are confident that the work we’ve done expanding access to care and centering health equity matters now more than ever.
We also want to reflect on the impact we’ve made that’s measured in healthy families, empowered students, and informed voters.
We couldn’t have accomplished so much this year without the support of our staff, board, donors, community partners, volunteers, legislators, and patients.
We will continue to provide the highest quality health care – including abortion and gender affirming care – to anyone who needs it. No matter what.
With your support, PPMM is ready to fight for our future together!
Stacy Cross
President & CEO
PPMM is committed to eliminating barriers to health equity so that everyone can attain their highest potential for well-being and autonomy. This means actively working to address intersectional issues resulting from underlying social disadvantages, discrimination, and inequities in resources and opportunities and other socially determined circumstances within its health center walls and outside of them. Across this work, PPMM vows to fearlessly solicit and accept criticism and continuously learn from mistakes with transparency and humility.
PPMM’s Commitment to Health Equity

Expanding abortion access
In just two years since the U.S. Supreme Court’s cruelly unjust decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, Planned Parenthood Mar Monte has provided abortion care to our neighbors throughout our service region — and to patients from 39 other states across the U.S.
​Some patients were forced to travel from their home in states that ban abortion so they could receive care at Planned Parenthood Mar Monte. However, many of our patients came from California, Nevada, and other reproductive freedom states where wait-times for abortion care have increased, exponentially. PPMM is very proud that our staff’s dedication, planning, and training allow us to provide this fundamental health care to those who need it.  
PPMM has provided abortion care to patients from 39 other states
PPMM home states
States from which abortion patients have travelled
States from which abortion patients have not travelled
Abortion ban states
Even before the fall of Roe v. Wade, PPMM leaders anticipated the decision and began extensive planning to bolster staff-training. As a result of this expert preparation, PPMM is able to provide abortion care when our patients need us most.
Patients from out of state often face significant delays in receiving care. Living up to our value of “Care. No matter what,” PPMM’s staff closely partners with patients, often working one-on-one, to ensure they get the care they need. Because of our rigorous planning to provide this intensive support, we can continue providing our full range of health care services while handling the increased patient-flow in our health centers.  
We know that the ability to get safe, legal abortion in the U.S. is unfairly determined by where you live and how much money you have. Because of systemic racism and discrimination, the dangerous result of these bans are disproportionately shouldered by millions of people of color, immigrants, people living with low incomes, and people in rural areas. It has never been more crucial that PPMM remains committed to serving everyone who comes through our doors, regardless of their zip code.  
Prenatal program in Fresno 
Our Vera Broder Silberstein Family First health center in Fresno offers comprehensive prenatal care – an extension of our family medicine program, in partnership with our community hospitals. From conception to post-partum, patients receive one-on-one care with our expert team, making PPMM a health home for the entire family.  
All Planned Parenthood Mar Monte health centers offer early pregnancy management including pregnancy testing, miscarriage management, diagnosis of ectopic pregnancies, and postpartum counseling and contraception. PPMM also offers pregnancy options counseling, with medically accurate information, in a non-judgmental space.  
Increasing STI testing volume and broadening options for prevention 
PPMM is pioneering cutting-edge technology to meet patients where they are, privately and conveniently. Our affirming and personalized testing/treatment options include expanding our comprehensive testing to include trichomoniasis, among the most common STIs that increases the risk of acquiring HIV. Trichomoniasis is usually detected via use of a microscope, but PPMM has adopted new technology that detects trichomoniasis with 99% accuracy.  
PPMM is also piloting a new test for gonorrhea, chlamydia, and trichomoniasis that provides real-time results, resulting in immediate treatment and greatly reducing the number of patients who are lost in the gap from time of testing to notification and follow up.  

Amidst a nationwide rise in STIs, the current Center for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines are not capturing all patients who are at risk. PPMM is proud to be embarking upon new ways of screening and testing that will help shape and improve these guidelines.
PPMM also launched DoxyPEP as a core service and additional option for STI- prevention for our patients. DoxyPEP is a post-exposure preventive treatment for syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea that is taken after a condomless sexual encounter to greatly reduce risk of contracting these STIs.   
New health centers expand PPMM’s high-quality health care  
In FY24, PPMM opened two state-of-the art health centers – one in east San Jose and another in Reno that serves northern Nevada communities.  
PPMM has proudly provided health care in Reno for over a half-century.
With the opening of our new health center, nearly three times the size of our previous site, we’ve been able to significantly increase abortion care. We are the only dedicated procedural abortion provider in Reno and we are the only Planned Parenthood providing procedural abortion in Nevada.

​​After a devastating fire in October 2023 at our Eastland Plaza health center in Stockton, our sister health center in North Stockton has risen to the challenge of serving the entire patient population in the area while we rebuild. We are excited to welcome patients back to the Eastland Plaza health center, which will reopen at the end of September 2024 in a contemporary redesign. 
Financial support for our patients
$16.2 million in subsidized care
In FY24, PPMM subsidized more than $16.2 million in care for uninsured or under-insured patients, fulfilling our mission of serving everyone in our communities, regardless of ability to pay.
We covered costs for 64,167 family planning patients — more than $11.2 million — as well as for 5,786 abortion care patients, totaling more than $4.7 million.
PPMM has subsidized more than double the amount for abortion-care patients from FY21-FY24, spanning the time since Roe was overturned, and provided subsidized abortion care for nearly 3,000 more patients this past year than we did in FY21.
We also provided subsidized family planning care for 25% more patients in FY24 than we did three years ago, assuring everyone who comes through our doors that we will never turn anyone away from seeking care.
309,000 Total Visits
Sexual and reproductive
health care visits*
(79% medication, 21% procedural)
Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) visits
Gender affirming care visits
Tests for sexually transmitted infections (STI)
Breast and cervical cancer screenings
Pediatric and adult
family medicine visits
Behavioral health visits
Patients may receive multiple services per visit​
* Wellness, contraception, pregnancy, gender affirming care, STI testing/treatment and cancer-screening visits.
163,588 unique patients
Multi-racial, other, or unknown
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
American Indian or Alaska Native
live below 100% of the Federal Poverty Level
(2023 FPL annual income for one person is $14,580)
live at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level
used Medicaid/Medi-Cal/Family PACT/Medicare

159,786 people reached through all PPMM Education and outreach programs, including: 
13,561 participants enrolled in PPMM Digital Learning, including comprehensive sex ed for middle school and high school students (Spanish and English), puberty, special education, and safer sex e-courses for young adults. 
141,998 people reached via PPMM Outreach Kits, which include sex ed info and barrier methods, and period products distributed by 127 community partners in 25 counties in California and Nevada.  
343 young parents received 2,858 hours of comprehensive case management, positive youth development coaching, and resource-navigation to support their parenting and educational goals. 
122 adults and teens completed evidence-based Mental Health First Aide training via PPMM’s FY24 pilot. 
338 Education partners collaborated with PPMM to increase access to sex ed, including schools, community based organizations, and collaboratives across 19 counties. 
While sex ed is under attack, PPMM increases access for young people 
PPMM Education has continued to drive digital innovation and transformational capacity- building of partners in California and Nevada, even as national attacks against sexual education in schools increased in 2024. While scores of bills restricting or eliminating sex ed were introduced or passed around the country, we were ensuring that young people have access to inclusive, culturally responsive, age appropriate, and medically accurate sex ed. 
In FY24, PPMM was granted $5 million in funding from the Office of Population Affairs Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program (TPPP) to implement its Sex Ed Equity Project for five years. The PPMM Education team developed the project and won the department’s first multi-year federal grant, starting in FY22. 
PPMM recruits community partners and trains them to deliver evidence-based sex ed. We created a network of support for 2,100 youth in California's Tulare and Kern counties and Nevada's Washoe County, where adolescent pregnancy and STI rates are well above the national average. Our current key partners in the Central Valley and northern Nevada are delivering sex education in middle and high schools, clinical, juvenile justice, after-school, and other community settings.  
Over six years, from the beginning of the project, it will reach nearly 10,500 youth, with $7 million in funding secured by the PPMM Education team. Most importantly, the project ensures we’re reaching youth with these critical sex ed programs by building the capacity of community partners in these three counties — among the largest that PPMM serves — to lead and sustain this work on the ground.  
Meanwhile, PPMM Digital Learning has also been increasing access to comprehensive sex ed for students in grades 5-12. In FY24, Digital Learning completed course design for the Spanish versions of comprehensive sex ed for middle and high school. This included translating more than 250 pages of lesson text and filming more than 100 educator-led videos, including lesson overviews and explainers, like how to set boundaries or the true meaning of consent. Check out the video above! 
Program Outcomes
of high school students who completed PPMM Sex Ed were able to identify two ways of preventing pregnancy and STIs, versus only 69% before their PPMM course. And 62% of middle schoolers answered correctly, up from 38% before they had taken the course.
of middle and high school students who completed the PPMM Sex Ed said that if they had questions about their sexual health they could trust Planned Parenthood to help them. 
average Sex Ed Equity Project participant completion rate across all cohorts and partners (surpassing the federal goal of 75%). 
completion rate among Sex Ed Equity Project partners who implemented evidence-based sex ed in California’s Kern and Tulare counties and Nevada’s Washoe County. 
What our students and participants are saying:
​“The course used examples in our normal lives, which can give us a perspective on our lives.”
- PPMM Sex Ed middle school student
“It gave me a lot of helpful information and told me a list of places and people I could go to for help.”
- PPMM Sex Ed high school student 
“[My case manager] has gone over and beyond for my little one and myself. Her visits have been extremely beneficial for my mental health. She is always respectful and organized with us!”
- Teen Parent Support Program participant
"I loved this, and it made me feel more comfortable learning about these serious topics. I feel like I can comfortably talk to my friends/peers about mental health or any mental health challenges they may be experiencing.”
- Teen Mental Health First Aid participant
PPMM Sex Ed student demographics*
Asian or Asian American
American Indian/Native American
Prefer not to answer
Black or African American
Middle Eastern/North African
*PPMM Sex Ed student demographics are self-reported.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion leads the way
At PPMM, DEI is more than a buzzword. We believe every one of us has a responsibility to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion.
We are continuously learning from our employees, patients, students, and community partners, all while fostering a culture of belonging where people feel safe, valued, and empowered.
In FY24, our leadership and board of directors engaged in many conversations and trainings focused on equitable practices. We have already begun developing team-based DEI goals and metrics in addition to organization-wide DEI initiatives.
Our employees are our most important asset — and our DEI committee and annual DEI survey provide valuable insights that allow us to identify and address disparities in employee experience. We have also continued to provide staff members with various learning opportunities such as monthly newsletters and webinars. In addition, we conducted our first comprehensive pay equity analysis and implemented adjustments where necessary.
We continue to support, collaborate, and advocate for reproductive justice organizations within our service regions to remove systemic barriers to reproductive health access.
PPMM Employee Demographics
All staff
Black or African American
Biracial or multiracial
Middle Eastern or Southwest Asian and North African (SWANA)
Native American or Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Not specified or undisclosed
Senior leaders
Senior leaders: Director and above
Executives: CEO and the Leadership Team

Organizing for our communities
PPMM has stayed at the vanguard of the reproductive rights movement by
continuing to expand access to quality sexual and reproductive health care while inspiring and engaging the communities we serve. 
Our Public Affairs team has played a key role in advancing a ballot measure in Nevada that would enshrine reproductive rights in the state constitution. The team has also organized large networks of supporters in California and Nevada that engage our local champions – from school boards to community partner organizations – as well as state and national elected officials to advance policies ensuring our patients and communities have the health care they need now and in the future.  

In FY24, PPMM Public Affairs: 
Helped collect 200,000 signatures – more than twice the number required – to place a measure on the Nevada ballot that would enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution.  
Advocated for six critical reproductive health care bills in the California legislature, including one that improves access to telehealth services and another that strengthens enforcement of a law that protects reproductive health care sites and patients from aggressive protestors.  
Maintained a robust network of faith leaders from throughout PPMM’s service region that support our mission in a unique way, speaking to their congregants and communities about the importance of the work we do and the people we help.
Expanded our group of patient storytellers, who share their health care experiences with legislators and other community leaders, to include 13 more participants from California’s Central Valley and 15 more from Nevada’s Washoe County.  
PPMM advocated for the following six critical reproductive health care bills in the California legislature. The Nevada legislature did not meet this year.  
SB 1131 
Streamline Family Planning Program Requirements  ​(Gonzalez)
Addresses impediments to the Family PACT program to improve and streamline the ability for health care providers to serve California’s Family PACT patients. (Sponsors: PPAC, California Academy of PAs) 
AB 2085 
Facilitate Health Center Permitting  ​(Bauer-Kahan)
Prohibits municipal interference with the delivery of constitutionally protected health care services by establishing a streamlined ministerial approval process for development of new health centers. (Sponsors: PPAC, Reproductive Freedom for All, Training in Early Abortion for Comprehensive Healthcare (TEACH)) 
AB 2239 
Improve Access to Telehealth  ​(Aguiar-Curry)
Expands Medi-Cal coverage of asynchronous telehealth services and addresses barriers to accessing care via health care mobile apps and other asynchronous modalities. (Sponsors: PPAC, National Health Law Program (NHeLP)) 

AB 2099 
Protecting Reproductive Health Clinics  ​(Bauer-Kahan)
Strengthens enforcement of the FACE Act when use of force, threat of force, or bodily injury takes place. 
SB 959 
Ensure Comprehensive Access to Information ​(Menjivar)
Establishes an online resource that offers information to patients, health care providers, and families about available support for TGI individuals and their families in California. (Sponsors: PPAC, Equality California) 
AB 2442 
Ensures that licensure applications for providers of gender-affirming care are prioritized to ensure a robust network of providers in the state. (Sponsors: PPAC, Equality California) 

Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, Vice President Kamala Harris, PPMM President & CEO Stacy Cross, PPMM Chief Medical Operating Officer Dr. Laura Dalton, former PPMM board chair and current PPFA board chair Tanuja Bahal.
PPMM staff and board met with Vice President Kamala Harris and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff as part of the Vice President’s Reproductive Freedom Tour in San Jose, CA in January 2024.

We are proud of the 746 volunteers who showed up this year to donate more than 7,200 hours of their time, energy, and expertise. Our volunteers lend their support in many different ways including acting as patient escorts outside our health centers, participating in community events such as running information tables at Pride, sharing their personal health care stories, and much more.
Whether you have five minutes or five hours, we have volunteer opportunities that fit everyone’s schedule. Sign up for our Volunteer Newsletter to learn more about how you can help us help the community.
“I’ve so enjoyed tabling at various Pride events and being able to talk to the community about Planned Parenthood services. I also love tabling events because it gives me the chance to get exposed to other wonderful organizations. I think being an active presence in the communities that we serve truly makes all the difference, so I’m thrilled about the small but important impact I get to make.” – Mia (PPMM Volunteer)

Spotlight: Ambassador program
​Ambassadors are the team of on-call volunteers that support our work through advocacy, outreach, projects, and other activities that advance PPMM’s mission. Ambassadors have lobbied legislators, supported staff at fundraisers, created videos for social media, helped with outreach at Pride events and with research projects, and more! 
Ambassadors are also given tools and resources to take action in their own communities and on their own time. There are virtual and in-person activities, and opportunities vary. You can sign up to learn more about becoming a PPMM Ambassador here.
Interested in making a vital impact, full time, in the community and on peoples’ lives? Come and work with us! We offer on-the-job training and mentoring, along with excellent benefits that allow for a healthy work-life balance. See open positions here.